In Worship


Ushers/greeters welcome the congregation and visitors to services and help ensure that services run smoothly. They typically work at the 10 a.m. service one or two Sundays per month. They greet people, give out bulletins as needed, and guide the congregants in going to and returning from receiving communion. This ministry is a wonderful way to connect with friends and to make new friends! For more information, email, attn: Chuck McCarter and Addison Hunt.

Lectors (Readers)

A lector is a lay person trained in reading scripture who is appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader. A typical service has a reading each from the Old Testament, the Psalms, and the New Testament. In addition, the assigned Lector may also lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Easy training provided! For more information, contact, attn: Jane Alperson.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)

A Lay Eucharistic Minister is a lay person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated bread and wine of the eucharist and thus assist the priest during the service. Training provided! For more information about serving as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, contact Rev. Terri+.


An Acolyte serves on the altar as a torch bearer, candle lighter, crucifer, thurifer, and banner bearer. This is an ideal ministry for young members of the congregation. Any child age 8 or older is invited to join our acolyte corps. They will learn about liturgy, the chancel space, and why we do what we do! For more information about serving as an Acolyte, contact Rev. Joan+ or Rev. Terri.

Livestream Team

One of our newest ministries, the livestream team makes our weekly YouTube broadcast of our services possible! Volunteers usually work in teams of two, operating the camera, computer, and sound system. Team members serve approximately once a month. No experience necessary, just a willingness to learn! For more information about serving on the Livestream Team, contact Bailey Joy Myers at

Music Ministry

Join one of our choirs, sign up to cantor the psalm, or offer your musical talents in other ways! For more information about music at Ascension, contact Bailey Joy Myers at