In the Community
Street Ministry Teams
Street ministry teams meet at Ascension walk into downtown Silver Spring to visit the homeless in the area and distribute gift cards. Times are 10-11 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and 6:15 a.m. every Sunday. Email Rev. Terri Murphy at for more information about joining this ministry.
Tommy’s Pantry
Church of the Ascension is the home of Tommy’s Pantry and many Ascensionites volunteer their time and money to this important community ministry. Since March of 2020, Tommy’s Pantry community outreach has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of the families served, and currently supports 300+ families four times monthly — distributing food, hygiene items, and cleaning products. Tommy’s Pantry proudly carries the name of the late Tommy Raskin, whose unwavering belief in ensuring human dignity remains the foundation of its mission. To find out more and to donate, go to To volunteer to help at Ascension on Saturdays to prep and distribute food to needy neighbors, email attn: Libbie Griffin.
Serving in the Community
AIM (Action in Montgomery)
Ascension is a founding congregation (19990 of Action In Montgomery, a nonpartisan community power organization of some 30 churches, schools, synagogues and interest groups striving to improve our everyday life in Montgomery County. Current areas of concern are affordable housing, climate, dental care, and universal pre-kindergarten. Our membership in AIM gives congregants the opportunity to engage in local politics at several levels:
- attendance at Actions (usually once a year). An Action is a mass meeting where we bring as many people as possible into the presence of elected officials to ask them if they will promise to support AIM’s current agenda.
- serving as members of the Ascension AIM Core Team
- serving as floor managers at Actions
- serving on study groups
- going to and testifying at Council hearings
- meeting politicians
- getting training in techniques of activism
- ultimately, becoming part of AIM’s leadership
For more information, contact, attn: Dick Marks, Bob Jacobs, or any member of the AIM Core Team. Please also see
Shepherd’s Table
Church of the Ascension has been a longtime supporter of the food services of Shepherd’s Table, delivering homemade casseroles back in the day and now “Feeding the 5,000” through monetary donations. Shepherd’s Table not only provides food services but also social services as it promotes a pathway to self-sufficiency for those who are experiencing food insecurity, homelessness, or poverty. To learn more about Shepherd’s Table and to donate money or time to this much needed ministry, go to If you donate, please let us know by emailing
Mama Maybelle and Friends Variety Show
Ascensionites entertain the residents of local nursing homes with random acts of music and fun. Currently, we perform at Sunrise Senior Living of Chevy Chase on the third Sunday of the month from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
We are open to all genres of entertainment. Can you juggle, tell a joke, recite a poem, pose a riddle, twirl a baton, play an instrument, dance, or sing? Are you looking for a venue to express your talents where people will wholeheartedly embrace your act with appreciation and wild applause? Come, give of the talents that God has given you. It is well known that music and laughter bring down blood pressure and increase well-being. Your performance will help create happy memories, smiles, and conversation for the residents. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated!
Contact Maybelle Kagy at
Mustard Seed Ministry
See our list of Current Needs of Neighbors to find small ways to make a big difference.