Choral Groups

Choral Groups

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:15-8:45 p.m. and sings at the 10 a.m. service nearly every Sunday from September through May, as well as for occasional special services (Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday during Holy Week, etc.). We sing a wide variety of sacred choral music, with special emphasis on works by Black composers, women composers, and other composers and arrangers who have historically been marginalized in the Western classical music tradition. We deeply value accessibility and provide audio tracks to aid in music learning for those with impaired eyesight or no prior training in reading music. Contact director Bailey Joy Myers for more information at

The Festival Choir

The Festival Choir sings a few times a year for festive occasions and is a great opportunity for both new and experienced singers who aren’t available to sing on a weekly basis to make a joyful noise together. This year the Festival Choir will sing for All Saints’ Sunday (Nov. 3), Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), a Women’s History Month concert in March 2025, Palm Sunday (Apr. 13), Easter Sunday (Apr. 20), and Pentecost Sunday (Jun. 8). A variety of rehearsal dates and times will be available to try to accommodate busy schedules. We deeply value accessibility and provide audio tracks to aid in music learning for those with impaired eyesight or no prior training in reading music. Contact director Bailey Joy Myers for more information at

The Rising Voices of Ascension Youth Choir

The Rising Voices of Ascension Youth Choir, or simply Children’s Choir, meets after church from 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon, September through May. We work on building musical skills through games and other fun activities, and we learn music to perform in church a few times a year. During Advent, we perform a Christmas pageant that usually involves a theatrical play combined with musical selections. We use a “one room schoolhouse” approach and adjust the selection of the music and pageant each year to reflect the age groups represented. Older kids and teens are welcome, but may also be interested in singing with one of the adult choirs or joining The Handbell Choir depending on their interests and musical experience. Read more about music for children at Ascension here and contact director Bailey Joy Myers for more information at